Tuesday 20 August 2019
Another fluoride study confirms
neurological damage to the foetus.
Fluoride Free Australia launches web site
Fluoride Free Australia today launches its website, coinciding with the release of another mother-infant-fluoride study confirming the neurological damage of fluoride. The Green et al study, just released from Canada, shows a reduction in children’s IQ, where their mothers consumed fluoridated water while pregnant.
The results from this study confirms the neurological damage caused by fluoride as demonstrated in other studies (Bashash et al 2017, and 2018; Thomas et al 2018; Valdex Jimenez et al 2017; Li et al 2004).
In recent years, especially since the cut-off date for the NHMRC’s last fluoride review in 2014, a steady stream of science has shown that the benefits of fluoridation have been grossly overstated and the serious health risks, including damage to the brain, thyroid and kidneys. There are also new associations between dental fluorosis and other physiological damage.
“Australia is one of the few countries in the world adding fluoridation chemicals to drinking water for the majority of its population. Aware of the serious problems with fluoridation, Fluoride Free Australia wants to make the latest information available to the public, the media and health professionals,” says Andrew Parry, a spokesperson for the group.
“Around 98% of Europe has rejected or ceased fluoridation based on the toxicity and ineffectiveness. Less than 5% of the world’s population receives fluoridated water and around half of this is in the United States where a major Supreme Court case is underway to have fluoridation discontinued altogether,” said Mr Parry.
Fluoride Free Australia also wants to highlight the poor methodology utilised by our National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) when conducting its reviews on fluoridation. Australia’s health authorities and decision makers rely heavily on the NHMRC’s fluoride review process, however in a feature article we ask the appropriate question; Can the NHMRC be trusted? In another article, we also ask how the CEO of NHMRC and her “expert” advisers can be so ignorant on such an important health issue as the bioaccumulation of fluoride?
Australians should also be aware of the source of fluoridation chemicals and that the tactics used to promote and defend fluoridation are often misleading and deceptive. They should also be aware that thousands of scientists and health professionals overseas oppose mandatory fluoridation and read what some of them have to say about fluoride.
“It’s time Australians heard the truth behind the process of forced fluoridation and realise there is overwhelming evidence against adding a toxic, industrial waste chemical to our drinking water supplies,” said Mr Parry.
For more information, contact: Andrew Parry – 0406 611 830 or Colin Varian – 0438 088 550