Many people instinctively know that adding a hazardous industrial waste chemical to our drinking water is wrong.
Relying on scientific evidence, our job is to help others be aware that fluoridation chemicals are not safe and not effective in reducing tooth decay.
There are several ways you can help us do this:
1. DONATE to our advertising campaigns: Contribute to our ongoing YouTube and social media advertising campaigns. You can do this by transferring funds directly using our bank account details (thereby avoiding PayPal fees), otherwise just use the PayPal donation button on our Donations page . If you would like to find out more about our ad campaign, please don’t hesitate to contact us here or use the email address in the footer.
2. FOLLOW US on social media: Please follow us on Facebook and then like, comment and share our various posts and articles as much as you can, and at the same time keep up to date with fluoride news and science. There’s so much happening and Facebook is our primary form of communication.
3. JOIN US and become a member of Fluoride Free Australia: subscribe to our regular newsletter. This will keep you informed of recent news, important issues, feature articles, new videos, even more quotes from professionals, local events and lots more. Subscribe here.
4. GET INVOLVED: We are always looking for people to help directly with a range of tasks. In particular, we need people with experience in IT, web development, graphics design, advertising, marketing/publicity and social media, we would certainly welcome your involvement.
5. EDUCATE others about the major reasons to reject fluoridation. There are several resources available on this web site for this purpose.
6. TELL OTHERS about our web site and empower them to learn about fluoridation.
7. MAKE USE of our publicity material: download our various publicity material to print and distribute to others. You may also want to contribute to a print run of one of our publicity documents or stickers, or suggest a new brochure or flyer be made for your community. Our publicity resources are available here.
8. HELP GROW our Advisory Board: If you know of any scientists, doctors, dentists, other health professionals or lawyers who are anti-fluoride and who might be interested in joining our ANZ Advisory Board, please let us know.
9. OTHER IDEAS? If you have any other ideas or suggestions for ways that you or others could help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.