- US National Toxicology Program (NTP) Proposes Landmark Fluoride/Brain Study
- Cochrane Review. Water Fluoridation for Dental Caries (2015)
- Cochrane Review. Fluoride toothpastes for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents (2009)
- Hampshire County Council (UK) Review (2008) (Rejecting proposed fluoridation)
- BMJ – Controversy: Adding fluoride to water (raised by York Review) (2007)
- Nuffield Council (UK) on Bioethics 2007)
- Griffen review (2007) Effectiveness of fluoride in preventing caries in adults
- The US National Research Council’s Review (2006)
- Fluoride in Drinking Water by World Health Organisation (2004)
- Critique of the 2002 Medical Research Council Review, by Lord Edward Baldwin (2002)
- The York Review (2000)