Fluoride and brain damage

A series of seminars for the public, professionals and the media

Who will warn parents and pregnant mothers that fluoride may damage the brain of their fetus, infant or child?

Unfortunately all speaking events in Australia have now been cancelled due to CV-19.
HOWEVER: two one-hour seminars were recently filmed in Perth and Bunbury and these videos will be uploaded to our web site soon, so you won’t miss out.
We also have another two powerful and compelling 15-minute videos that you and especially EVERY HEALTH PROFESSIONAL in this country should watch! More details soon….
About Paul Connett

Paul Connett received his BA (Honors) in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, England in 1962, and a PhD in Chemistry from Dartmouth College, New Hampshire in 1983. He is Professor Emeritus in Environmental Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton NY, where he specialised in environmental chemistry and toxicology for 23 years. 

Dr Connett is a world authority on the science and toxicology of fluoride, and the legal and ethical issues of water fluoridation, having researched  the literature on fluoride’s toxicity and the fluoridation debate for 24 years.

He co-authored the book The Case Against Fluoride in 2010.

Read his 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation here and see a more detailed bio here.

"I do not believe there is any health agency in the world that, availing itself of the data in the 2019 draft NTP review, and subsequent studies in 2019, could provide a science-based health risk-assessment justifying adding fluoridation chemicals to public drinking water. I hope Australia’s NHMRC is paying attention.”
Professor Paul Connett
BSc, PhD
Loss of IQ

To date, 64 studies involving nearly 24,000 children have associated exposure to fluoridation chemicals with IQ loss in humans. In 2019 four studies from Canada and the US confirmed that fluoride harms the developing brain, mainly due to water fluoridation. One of these found that children in fluoridated areas have  nearly THREE TIMES the risk of ADHD compared with children in non-fluoridated areas. More here.

More damaging reviews

Late last year the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) published a systematic review and health assessment of the neurotoxicity of fluoride. Based on 20 high-quality studies it concluded: “fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans.” 

In December 2019, Philippe Grandjean, one of the world’s leading neurotoxicologists, provided an extensive review of the literature on fluoride’s neurotoxicity (156 references). He concluded: 
“there is little doubt that developmental neurotoxicity is a serious risk associated with elevated fluoride exposure, whether due to community water fluoridation, natural fluoride release from soil minerals, or tea consumption, especially when the exposure occurs during early development.”  More here.

NTP: “fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans.”
Fluoride and lead

There is growing expert opinion that fluoride poses a similar risk for the developing brain as lead poisoning. In fact evidence against fluoride is stronger today than the evidence against lead around 30 years ago. For two decades the US Centers for Disease Control sat on its hands and was finally forced to act soon after a 2012 NTP report that lead levels below 5 ug/dL posed a risk. It seems history is repeating itself again! More here.

Fluoride on trial

A major US Federal Court case is proceeding against the Environmental Protection Agency. Under the US Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the EPA can ban the particular use of a toxic substance if it poses an unacceptable risk to the general population or a specific subset of the population; as the science is clearly showing for fluoride. Some of  the world’s leading neurotoxicologists will testify in this case from 20 April to 1 May. More here.