The process of adding fluoridation chemicals to our drinking water is strongly opposed by thousands of professionals worldwide and this list is steadily growing. Fluoride Free Australia is represented by an Advisory Board and a Professional Network comprised of Australian and international health, science, legal and other relevant professionals who are part of this growing movement.
Meet our International Advisory Board members…
B.A. (Honors) Natural Sciences
Ph.D. in Chemistry
Paul Connett received his B.A. (Honors) in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, England in 1962 and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 1983. He is Professor Emeritus in Environmental Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY, where he taught chemistry and toxicology for 23 years.
Paul is a world authority on the science and toxicology of fluoride and the legal and ethical issues of water fluoridation, having researched the literature on fluoride’s toxicity and the fluoridation debate for 22 years. He first published his paper 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation in 2004 and co-authored the book The Case Against Fluoride, published in 2011. He helped to found and is now Executive Director, of the US-based Fluoride Action Network (FAN). For the past 35 years Paul has (without fee) helped communities around the world understand the science of controversial issues like fluoridation and incineration. In addition to explaining the dangers of these practices he offers details of the alternatives. Paul has traveled extensively for fluoride: In the summer of 2000 he was invited by the York University team, which reviewed fluoridation for the British government, to peer review their report. His critique can be found here. In October 2000, he was invited by the Irish government to present his views on fluoridation before the Fluoridation Forum, a panel established by the Irish Ministry of Health. In June 2001, Paul (together with Dr. William Hirzy) was invited to debate proponents of fluoridation at the annual conference of the Association for Science in the Public Interest (ASIPI) in Richmond, Virginia. The proponents refused to participate in this debate. In October, 2001, Paul was invited by the Japanese Society for Fluoride Research to address a meeting of their society in Tokyo. In November 2001, Paul (together with Dr. Phyllis Mullenix) were invited by the American College of Toxicology to debate proponents, but they again refused. On both the above occasions Dr. Connett gave a presentation of the arguments against fluoridation in lieu of the debate. In January of 2003, Paul presented a keynote address on a weight of evidence analysis of the impact on water fluoridation on bone quality at the XXVth Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research held in Dunedin, New Zealand. In March 2003, Paul was invited by the US EPA to present the opponent’s position in a one-on-one debate on fluoridation to be held at their annual Science Forum in Washington, DC, on May 6, 2003. Despite a six week effort by the organizers of this event, no scientist or official holding a pro-fluoridation position was willing to participate in this debate. In lieu of this debate, Paul provided a power-point presentation to a packed audience, which included 8 congressional aides, representatives from major environmental organizations, EPA officials and the media. The title of Paul’s talk “ Fluoridation: The Undefendable Practice.” On August 12, 2003, Paul gave an invited presentation to the US National Research Council committee reviewing the safety of the US EPA’s Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for fluoride in drinking water. On May 13, 2004, Paul gave an invited presentation on the dangers of fluoridation to the Irish Parliamentary Committee on Health and Children. In 2005, Paul presented a paper on Fluoridation and Osteosarcoma to a conference organized by the International Society for Fluoride Research and held in Wiesbaden, Germany. In 2007, Paul presented the case against fluoridation to a conference organized by the International Society for Fluoride Research and held in Beijing, China. In 2008, Paul presented the case against fluoridation to a parliamentary committee in the Knesset, Israel. In 2009, Paul was an invited panelist in three public fora organized by the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) in Southampton, UK. In 2010, Paul provided testimony in a public consultation organized by the Science Committee on Health and the Environmental Research (SCHER) of the EU in Brussels. Papers on Fluoride: 2006, Connett P, Water fluoridation: Critical difference was overlooked. British Medical Journal, Jun 16;322(7300):1486-7. 2006, Connett P, Water fluoridation–a public health hazard, Int J Occup Environ Health, Jan-Mar;12(1):88-91. Awards received: 1986: Award of Appreciation from the Ironbound Committee Against Toxic Waste, Newark, New Jersey. 1987: Public Citizenship Award presented by New York Public Interest Research Group. 1987: Citizen of the Year Award presented by the Canton Rotary Club, Canton, NY. 1988: The Giltz Award presented by St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY, for “outstanding service to the community.” 1989: Special Appreciation Award from Citizens’ Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste Inc., Movement for Environmental Justice, Arlington, VA, along with Dr. Barry Commoner, Dr. Samuel Epstein, Dr. Peter Montague, and Ralph Nader. 1990: Conservationist of the Year with Ellen Connett, presented by the Environmental Planning Lobby, Albany, New York. 1992: Appointed Chair of the Environment by the Center for Creative Communications in Derry, Northern Ireland, as part of their Impact ‘92 program. 1997: Certificate of Recognition for Environmental Achievement from the New Jersey Environmental Federation, awarded to Paul and Ellen Connett, “In appreciation for your visionary commitment to protect and preserve our environment. Your Waste Not newsletter empowers us with knowledge and your extraordinary and selfless contribution to struggling people worldwide will continue to make ours a safer world now and into the twenty first century.” 2000: First Annual GAIA (Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance) award, “Putting Out the Flames”. 2008. Made an honorary citizen of Monte Maggiore in Italy in recognition of work on Zero Waste education and promotion. 2013. Made an honorary citizen of Grave in Chianti, Italy in recognition of work on Zero Waste education and promotion. A quote about fluoridation:
“In my view, the three most telling arguments against fluoridation are:
1) governments shouldn’t do to everyone what a doctor cannot do to anyone, i.e. force an individual to take medication without their consent;
2) The level of fluoride in mother’s milk is so low (0.004 ppm), i.e. 250 times lower than the typical level added to water (1 ppm). If you believe in fluoridation you are essentially saying that nature screwed up on what a baby needs for healthy nutrition;
3) The concession by the CDC that fluoride’s predominant action is topical – if it works on the outside of the tooth why on earth expose the whole body to this known toxic substance by putting it into the drinking water? Thus, when one learns that there is little decent science demonstrating that ingested fluoride is reducing tooth decay and there is a growing body of evidence that there are many health concerns, it not only adds scientific weight to these three very basic common sense and ethical arguments, but makes this practice even more preposterous.”
Paul Connett, PhD
BSc. (Hons) Ph.D.
William Hirzy, Ph.D.
Currently Chemist in Residence and Adjunct Professor at American University Department of Chemistry.
1962 Ph.D. Chemistry. University of Missouri
1958 B.S. (Honors) Chemistry. University of Missouri
1981-2004 Senior Scientist (Risk Assessment), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
2003-2004 Chemist-In-Residence & Adjunct Professor, American University
1995-2002 Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, American University
1984-2004 Officer (V.P., Sr. V.P., President) EPA HQ Professionals’ Union
1963-1981 Adjunct Instructor/Assistant Professor of Chemistry, St. Louis Community College and University of Missouri-St. Louis
1962-1981 Research & environmental management chemist, Monsanto Co.
1998, 1987,1983 EPA Silver and Bronze Medals, Cash Awards
1962 Sigma Xi
1958 Woodrow Wilson Fellow
1958 Phi Beta Kappa
Invited Testimony on Fluoridation, U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Water on behalf of NTEU Chapter 280. June 29, 2000.
“Why EPA’s Union of Professionals Opposes Fluoridation,” May 1, 1999
“Principles of Scientific Integrity,” adopted as EPA’s code of professional ethics, November, 1999.
“Applying the NAEP Code of Ethics to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Fluoride in Drinking Water Standard” R.J. Carton and J.W. Hirzy. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the National Association of Environmental Professionals June 20-24, 1998, San Diego, CA, USA.
“Role of EPA Labor Unions in a Streamlined Partnership”. May 1994.
“Role of the Professionals’ Union at EPA” Environmental Law Reporter. February 20ELR 10057 1990.
“Carpet/4-Phenylcyclohexene Toxicity: The EPA HEadquarters Case” J. W. Hirzy and Rufus Morison. The Analysis, Communication and Perception of Risk Eds. B.J. Garrick and W.C. Gekler, Plenum Press, New York, 1991
“Carcinogenicity of General Purpose Phthalate Esters” Drug Metabolism Reviews 21 55 (1989).
“Toxicity Profile of Di-2-Ethylhexyl Phthalate” J. W. Hirzy EPA Project Manager. Published by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Center for Disease Control. 1988.
“Chemical Advisory: Cancer Hazards of Toluenediamines” September 19, 1986. Office of Toxic Substances, USEPA.
“Chemical Advisory: Inhalation Hazards of Burning Used Motor Oil in Space Heaters” July 5, 1986. Office of Toxic Substances, USEPA.
“Risk Assessment of 4,4′-Methylenedianiline” J. W. Hirzy, J. A. Wiltse, et al., Office of Toxic
Substances, USEPA. February 2, 1985.
“Chemical Advisory: Cancer Hazards of Dermal Contact with Used Motor Oil” February 22, 1984. Office of Toxic Substances, USEPA.
“Proposition 11–A Citizens Intitiative” Co-authored with Missourians for Safe Energy. On the General Election Ballot in Missouri, November, 1980.
“Environmental Management of Phthalate Esters: A Systems Approach” Proposal of Monsanto Co. through Chemical Manufacturers Association to USEPA. June 16, 1980.
“Plasticizer Update” J. W. Hirzy and N. W. Touchette, Plastics Engineering April, 1979.
U.S. Patent 3,872,154 Trimellitate Esters.
U.S. Patent 3,389,168 Allyl Benzophenone Tetracarboxylates.
U.S. Patent 3,336,362 Cycloalkyl Allyl Phthalate Esters.
U.S. Patent 3,538,145 Malic Acid Esters U.S. Patents 4,210,730 and 4,212,957 Plastifiers, Method of Preparation, and Poly Vinylchloride
Compositions Containing.
U.S. Patent 4,049,611 Modified Polyester Polyblends and Method of Preparing Same.
U.S. Patents 4,273,890 and 4,281,077 Polyester Polyurethane Polyblends.
“Fluoridation Risks.” Presentation to Palm Beach (FL) County Council. August 23, 2003.
“Fluoride and Environmental Protection.” Lecture. International Society for Fluoride Research. Dunedin, New Zealand. January 25, 2003.
“Fluoridation: Right or Wrong.” Lecture. International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. Orlando, FL. April 22, 2002.
“Fluoridation of Municipal Water Systems: Unintended Risks and Consequences.” Grand Rounds Lecture Asante/Providence Continuing Medical Education of Southern Oregon, Jan. 3, 2002.
“Fluoride Health Risks.” Presentation to Colorado Springs (CO) City Council. March, 2001.
“Hazard and Risk Assessment of Fluoride” J.W. Hirzy and R.J. Carton Presented at Continuing Medical Education Program: Drinking Water Fluoridation and Ingested Fluoride – Scientific Risk Assessment. San Diego, CA. June 19-21, 1998.
“Environmental Protection” Presented at Annual Convention, Equinox, International Corp., Memphis TN, June 1997.
“Professional Ethics at EPA Headquarters” Presented at the Annual Meeting, National Coalition Against Misuse of Pesticides, Washington, D.C. March 1997.
“Point-Counterpoint: Toxic Emissions from Carpeting.” 1993 Annual Meeting of the American College of Allergy and Immunology. Atlanta, GA. Nov. 17, 1993
“Role of the Professionals’ Union at EPA” Presented at American Greens Gathering, Estes Park, CO. September 1990.
“The Federal Role in Employee Health: The Headquarters Environmental Protection Agency Example.” R. Morison and J. W. Hirzy. Presented to: The Danish Indoor Climate Group, Copenhagen, Denmark. July 1990.
“Carpet/4-Phenylcyclohexene Toxicity: The EPA Headquarters Case.” J. W. Hirzy and Rufus Morison. Presented before Society For Risk Analysis Meeting, San Francisco, CA. October 30, 1989.
“Preliminary Analysis of Risks Associated with Use of Perchloroethylene in Electrical Transformers” Presented before PCB Symposium of Electric power Research Institute, Kansas City MO. October 6, 1987.
“4,4′-Methylenedianiline: Risk Assessment and Risk Management” Presented before Society for Risk Analysis Meeting, Knoxville, TN. September 30, 1984.
“Phthalate Esters: Risk Assessment and Risk Management–A Systems Approach.” Presented before International Conference on Phthalates, University of Surrey, U.K. August 6, 1984.
“The Chemical Industry.” Training Seminar for USEPA Employees. May, 1982
“Radioactive Wastes at the St. Louis Airport Site.” Seminars at St. Louis Community College. 1979-80.
“Phthalate Esters: The Environmental Issues.” J. W. Hirzy, W. J Adams, W.E. Gledhill and J. P. Mieure. Seminar at Duluth Research Laboratory, USEPA. October 6, 1978.
“Intermediate Reduction Products of Ring-Substituted Nitrostyrenes” Presentation before American Chemical Society Meeting, New York, August 1962.
BSc, PhD (Biochem), DDS
Hardy Limeback is a Canadian retired full professor (now Professor Emeritus), former Head of Preventive Dentistry at the University of Toronto and Former President of the Canadian Association for Dental Research.
He received his PhD in biochemistry and his DDS from the University of Toronto. Dr. Limeback was one of the twelve panelists and authors of the 2006 US National Academies of Sciences/National Research Council’s committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards. He has authored or coauthored over 100 publications on dentistry. Dr. Limeback is known for his stance against fluoridation, which began in 1998, stating that, “The evidence that fluoride is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming… fluoride may be destroying our bones, our teeth, and our overall health.” Prior to that, he had been called “one of Canada’s primary promoters of fluoridation,” publishing several papers on its benefits. To read a letter from Dr Limeback to the Editor of Harvard Public Health Magazine (21 Sep 2016), click here. To read about Dr Limeback’s response to the O’Brien Institute of Public Health’s report on water fluoridation (24 July 2019) click here. To see Dr Limeback’s detailed submission to Calgary Council (June 2019) click here.
Dr. David Kennedy DDS, is a pioneering biological dentist who practiced dentistry for more than 30 years and retired in 2000 to work full-time toward improving the dental profession and public understanding of oral health.
Dr Kennedy received his BA Degree in Conservative Biochemistry and Physiology from the University of Kansas in 1967 and his DDS Degree from the University of Missouri at Kansas City Dental School in 1971. He then served for two years as a Lieutenant in the United States Navy Dental Corps in San Diego, California. One of his duties was environmental cleanup of the Naval Training Center base for spilled dental mercury. In 1973, after the completion of his service obligation, Dr. Kennedy established his private practice in San Diego. He also established and helped build the Chicano Children’s Dental Health Center. In 1984, he founded the Preventive Dental Health Association. From 1988 to 1994 he served as Vice President and then President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. Dr. Kennedy has lectured internationally to dentists and professionals on preventive and restorative dentistry and on the hazards of mercury and fluoride. In October 1995, Governor Pete Wilson signed AB733 into law which forces mandatory fluoridation of our water supply in all of California. The Legislature occurred irresponsibly, without examining the dangers such as hip fractures, cancer, dental fluorosis and other harmful effects, which have been linked to fluoride in scientific literature. Dr Kennedy founded Citizens for Safe Drinking (CFSD) in California. This group and other similar organisations worldwide continue efforts to prohibit fluoridation based only on international scientific evidence. In this regard, CFSD educates the public and provides city councils and citizen groups with solid scientific information about the dangers of fluoridation. Dr Kennedy has lectured to dentists, physicians and other health professionals all over the world on the subjects of preventive dental health, mercury toxicity, and fluoride. He is the author of the book How To Save Your Teeth With Toxic Free Preventive Dentistry that provides instruction and insight for both professionals and the layman on how to provide and receive toxic-free dentistry.
In 1968 I graduated from the Northeastern State University located in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, with a BSc degree – a major in biology and minors in chemistry and sociology. Ithen graduated with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry in 1972. I moved back to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and opened my general dentistry practice in 1973.
While in dental school I began to see that as dental students we were being taught how to treat the symptoms of a dental disease process and virtually no training about treating the cause of that disease process. After dental school I independently began to study the works of Charles C. Bass MD. Retiring in 1940, Dr. Bass had served as a professor of experimental medicine as well as the Dean of Tulane Medical School in New Orleans, Louisiana. Bass was also the medical doctor the United States sent to the Panama Canal construction site to solve the malaria problem, which he did. In addition to his medical career Dr. Bass had a long standing concern with the “deplorable” dental conditions he noticed in his patients, students and faculty at Tulane. After his retirement Tulane supplied Bass with an office and research space to continue his interest in solving the dental disease process. Bass eventually figured out the cause of the tooth decay and gum disease problems and in the early 1940’s this retired gentleman spent a tremendous amount of time and effort attempting to get the dental profession to listen to him and share his research with humanity. The dental profession had absolutely zero listening; they just ignored Bass and referred to him as a cantankerous old man who should not be listened to. When I studied Bass’ research studies I ran across one of his research papers where he described how fluoride caused damage to not only the teeth but also caused/contributed to systemic health problems. It was out of this fluoride research of Bass’ that I woke up in 1977 to what I now refer to as the Fluoride Fraud. Over the next couple of years I conducted an in-depth investigation of the history of this fluoride fraud. I found that at one time the American Dental Association and the American Medical Association and the US Public Health Service were all strongly opposed to the human consumption of fluoride in any form. Then in the early 1940’s they all did an overnight about face and began to claim that water fluoridation was God’s gift to humanity. In time I decided that to get my findings out to reach the most folks about this fluoride fraud scenario that an educational web site would be the best route. To read more about the Fluoride Fraud please visit this section on my educational website: You can also read about Dr. Bass’ research in the Gingival Sulcus section.
MB, ChB, PhD, FRCPath.
Charles Vyvyan Howard is a British Toxicological Pathologist and Emeritus Professor of Bioimaging (Centre for Molecular Biosciences) at the University of Ulster: Coleraine, UK.
Professor Howard is an internationally recognised expert in his field of toxicological pathology, specialising in the problems associated with the action of toxic substances on the fetus and the infant.
Professor Howard has written a number of papers and book chapters and spoken in a variety of forums to draw attention to the threat posed by environmental pollutants to the developing fetus. In particular, he has spoken regularly of his concerns about fluoride’s impact on infant health. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, Past President of the Royal Microscopical Society, Member of the British Society of Toxico-Pathologists, Immediate Past President of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment and Member of the European Teratology Society. He spent six years as a toxicologist on the UK Government DEFRA Advisory Committee on Pesticides. A large part of Professor Howard’s current research is the investigation of the fate toxicology of nanoparticles. Vyvyan Howard has sat on two EU expert groups considering the threats and benefits posed by nanotechnology and recently addressed the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology investigating the use of nanotechnology in food. Vyvyan Howard completed his Bachelor of Medicine at the Liverpool Medical School in 1970 and his Bachelor of Surgery at the Liverpool Medical School in 970. He completed a Doctor of Philosophy (Human Anatomy) at the Liverpool University in 1983. He was House Surgeon at Sefton General Hospital, Liverpool, from 1970 to 1971; a Demonstrator in the Anatomy Department at the Liverpool University from 1971 to 1976 and Lecturer in Anatomy from 1974 to 1991. He was a Senior Lecturer in the Fetal and Infant Pathological Department at the University of Liverpool from 1991 to 2005 and Professor bioimaging University Ulster, Coleraine, from 2005 to 2014. In 2014 he was appointed Emeritus Professor at Ulster. To see three videos featuring Dr Vyvyan Howard, click here. To see a list of papers and books authored or co-authored by Dr Vyvyan Howard, click here.
Dr. Cole received his DDS from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio in 1993 and has been practicing biological dentistry since that time in Austin. He became ozone certified in 2006 and received both his Board Certification in Naturopathic Medicine and his degree in Integrative Biological Dental Medicine in 2010 from the School of Integrative Biological Dental Medicine (ACIMD), where he currently serves as the practice management instructor. Dr. Cole received his Mastership in the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology in 2015 and authored the Academy’s Fluoridation Brochure and the official Scientific Review on Ozone use in root canal therapy. He is a past President of the IAOMT and serves on the Board of Directors, the Mentor Committee, the Fluoride Committee, and is the Fundamentals Course Director and Meetings Chairman. He has been featured on numerous radio and television programs including World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer. He has been published in four national peer reviewed publications for his restorative and cosmetic dentistry and in 2013 became the first dentist to be published in a peer reviewed journal for his case study treatment of Bisphosphonate-Related Ostenecrosis of the Jaw utilizing ozone therapy for successful treatment of this disease. He lectures to health professionals on practice management.
Dr. Robert C (Bob) Dickson was born in Tofield, Alberta in 1951. He has a degree in Kinesiology and an MD from the University of Calgary, and certification in Paramedics from SAIT in Calgary.
Dr. Dickson is past President of Change for Children, past President Tools for Peace, and past Chair of the Board of Directors of Arusha Cross Cultural Centre. He was a senior partner with Results Canada, with a mandate to end starvation, debilitating diseases and poverty globally in support of the Millennium Development Goals, for many years. He was instrumental with RESULTS Canada in maternal and child health being the signature initiative of the 2010 G8/G20 forum in Toronto, and in the ensuing announcements of $1.1 billion and later $3.4 billion for maternal and child health committed by the Canadian government for these programs. As well, he volunteers with Medical Mercy Canada, most recently in Thailand with the Burmese refugees and in Nepal, and is on the board of the Four Worlds Centre for International Development. Dr. Dickson co-led the anti-fluoridation program in Calgary from 1999 which resulted in water fluoridation being halted in 2011, and continues to actively volunteer with the issue of water fluoridation. He is the founder of Safe Water Calgary, and launched their new website in October 2017. In July 2019, Safe Water Calgary published a review titled “Statement in Opposition to Artificial Water Fluoridation: A Refutation of the CADTH Report on Community Water Fluoridation of 2019.” Please like/follow SWC’s Facebook page here and visit SWC’s “Take Action” page here. Dr. Dickson has actively partnered with Project Ixcanaan since 2003 to rebuild and support the remote village of El Remate in the Peten province of northeastern Guatemala. He has worked diligently on climate change issues with 4 C (Calgary Citizens on Climate Change) since 2015, meeting and interacting frequently with elected officials and senior administrators in the Calgary civic and provincial New Democratic Party governments.
BSc (Hons)
Physiology, Biochemistry, Zoology
Doug Cross is a Forensic Ecologist, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, and has Professional Chartered status in both Biology and Science. He graduated in Zoology from Southampton University in 1964, having worked previously in physics research at the National Physical Laboratory and as a military Medical Radiographer. Subsequently he carried out pioneering ecotoxicological research on fish for the British Government, managed the fisheries of Cornwall as a Fisheries Office, and then established undergraduate courses in Applied Ecology for undergraduates in Coventry.
After leaving academia he became a freelance Consultant in Forensic Ecology, in which he has practiced for for over 40 years. He has contracted as a Consultant, Team Leader and Mission Leader for Law Firms, many of the largest Civil Engineering Consortia, as well as most of the major International Development Agencies, in approximately 35 countries. Doug’s expertise is founded on his professional experience and interventions into environmental activities in which criminal actions – either overt, such as in pirate attacks on shipping, or covert, for example in the ecocide currently threatening the Mekong Basin – require evidence for punitive or remedial intervention. His assignments have included multi-sectoral environmental and public health reviews and planning, and he has frequently worked within the medical and public health sectors to improve facilities and reduce environmental risks of contamination and contagion. Doug and his wife, Liz Vaughan, run UK Councils Against Fluoridation, and his expertise on the applicability of medical law to this controversial practice has proved crucial to the public resistance nationwide, justifying sustained opposition to State-imposed ‘mass medication’. Doug has published many articles on the ethics and legitimacy of water fluoridation. These include recent analyses and commentaries on water fluoridation in peer-reviewed scientific Journals. These form a unique resource, and some can be accessed on his Researchgate web pages His central question about the continued support for the practice of fluoridation by the dental public health sector is, why do you think that you are free to practice medicine in absolute violation of your National code of medicinal law? In his opinion, if the practice is in breach of law, then the question of its safety and efficacy is irrelevant.
B.A. Biology, Ph.D. Chemistry
Richard Sauerheber, BA (Biol), PhD.
1966-1976: University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, B.A. Biology, Ph.D. Chemistry
Work History:
1971: Research Technician, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA
1973-1976: Research Technician, Graduate Student, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. 1976-1979: Research Associate, Scripps Clinic Research Foundation, La Jolla, C A 1979-1980: Chemist, San Diego County Air Pollution Control District 1981-1991: Rees-Stealy Clinic Research Foundation, San Diego, CA 1991-present: Classified Staff, small group instructor, Palomar Community College, San Marcos, CA Selected publications (of 54 including 7 books): A full list of Richard’s publications are available here.