International Advisory Board Members

The process of adding fluoridation chemicals to our drinking water is strongly opposed by thousands of professionals worldwide and this list is steadily growing. Fluoride Free Australia is represented by an Advisory Board and a Professional Network comprised of Australian and international health, science, legal and other relevant professionals who are part of this growing movement.
Meet our International Advisory Board members…
Paul Connett

B.A. (Honors) Natural Sciences
Ph.D. in Chemistry 

Paul Connett received his B.A. (Honors) in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, England in 1962 and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 1983. He is Professor Emeritus in Environmental Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY, where he taught chemistry and toxicology for 23 years.

Paul is a world authority on the science and toxicology of fluoride and the legal and ethical issues of water fluoridation, having researched the literature on fluoride’s toxicity and the fluoridation debate for 22 years. He first published his paper 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation in 2004 and co-authored the book The Case Against Fluoride, published in 2011. He helped to found and is now Executive Director, of the US-based Fluoride Action Network (FAN).

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William Hirzy

BSc. (Hons) Ph.D.

William Hirzy, Ph.D.
Currently Chemist in Residence and Adjunct Professor at American University Department of Chemistry.

1962 Ph.D. Chemistry. University of Missouri
1958 B.S. (Honors) Chemistry. University of Missouri

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Hardy Limeback

BSc, PhD (Biochem), DDS

Hardy Limeback is a Canadian retired full professor (now Professor Emeritus), former Head of Preventive Dentistry at the University of Toronto and Former President of the Canadian Association for Dental Research.

He received his PhD in biochemistry and his DDS from the University of Toronto. Dr. Limeback was one of the twelve panelists and authors of the 2006 US National Academies of Sciences/National Research Council’s committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards. He has authored or coauthored over 100 publications on dentistry.

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David Kennedy, DDS

Dr. David Kennedy DDS, is a pioneering biological dentist who practiced dentistry for more than 30 years and retired in 2000 to work full-time toward improving the dental profession and public understanding of oral health.

Dr Kennedy received his BA Degree in Conservative Biochemistry and Physiology from the University of Kansas in 1967 and his DDS Degree from the University of Missouri at Kansas City Dental School in 1971. He then served for two years as a Lieutenant in the United States Navy Dental Corps in San Diego, California. One of his duties was environmental cleanup of the Naval Training Center base for spilled dental mercury.

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Jim Maxey, DDS

In 1968 I graduated from the Northeastern State University located in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, with a BSc degree – a major in biology and minors in chemistry and sociology. Ithen graduated with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry in 1972. I moved back to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and opened my general dentistry practice in 1973.

While in dental school I began to see that as dental students we were being taught how to treat the symptoms of a dental disease process and virtually no training about treating the cause of that disease process.

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Vyvyan Howard

MB, ChB, PhD, FRCPath.

Charles Vyvyan Howard is a British Toxicological Pathologist and Emeritus Professor of Bioimaging (Centre for Molecular Biosciences) at the University of Ulster: Coleraine, UK. 

Professor Howard is an internationally recognised expert in his field of toxicological pathology, specialising in the problems associated with the action of toxic substances on the fetus and the infant. 

Professor Howard has written a number of papers and book chapters and spoken in a variety of forums to draw attention to the threat posed by environmental pollutants to the developing fetus. In particular, he has spoken regularly of his concerns about fluoride’s impact on infant health.

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E. Griffin Cole


Dr. Cole received his DDS from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio in 1993 and has been practicing biological dentistry since that time in Austin. He became ozone certified in 2006 and received both his Board Certification in Naturopathic Medicine and his degree in Integrative Biological Dental Medicine in 2010 from the School of Integrative Biological Dental Medicine (ACIMD), where he currently serves as the practice management instructor.

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Bob Dickson


Dr. Robert C (Bob) Dickson was born in Tofield, Alberta in 1951. He has a degree in Kinesiology and an MD from the University of Calgary, and certification in Paramedics from SAIT in Calgary.

Dr. Dickson is past President of Change for Children, past President Tools for Peace, and past Chair of the Board of Directors of Arusha Cross Cultural Centre. He was a senior partner with Results Canada, with a mandate to end starvation, debilitating diseases and poverty globally in support of the Millennium Development Goals, for many years.

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Doug Cross

BSc (Hons)
Physiology, Biochemistry, Zoology

Doug Cross is a Forensic Ecologist, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, and has Professional Chartered status in both Biology and Science. He graduated in Zoology from Southampton University in 1964, having worked previously in physics research at the National Physical Laboratory and as a military Medical Radiographer. Subsequently he carried out pioneering ecotoxicological research on fish for the British Government, managed the fisheries of Cornwall as a Fisheries Office, and then established undergraduate courses in Applied Ecology for undergraduates in Coventry.

After leaving academia he became a freelance Consultant in Forensic Ecology, in which he has practiced for for over 40 years. He has contracted as a Consultant, Team Leader and Mission Leader for Law Firms, many of the largest Civil Engineering Consortia, as well as most of the major International Development Agencies, in approximately 35 countries.

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Richard D. Sauerheber

B.A. Biology, Ph.D. Chemistry

Richard Sauerheber, BA (Biol), PhD.


1966-1976: University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, B.A. Biology, Ph.D. Chemistry

Work History:

1971: Research Technician, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA

1973-1976: Research Technician, Graduate Student, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA.

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