Please help us screen our TV ad in Port Macquarie-Hastings
On 4 December, at a community poll, residents of Port Macquarie-Hastings will have the opportunity to
Please help us screen this 15-secvond ad on local PMH TV and also on social media. See details below on how to donate to this important project.
Our 15-second TV ad for Port Macquarie-Hastings
Please help us screen this ad on TV in Port Macquarie-Hastings
Fluoride Free Australia plans to launch a TV advertising campaign to warn residents of PMH, especially pregnant mothers, about the dangers of fluoridation chemicals, and to encourage all residents to vote YES to STOP fluoridation at the community pol on 4 December.
To donate, please use our account details right to transfer funds via your web site (to avoid any fees). Or click on the PayPal button right to make a donation by PayPal.
For enquiries, email:
Fluoride Free Australia
BSB: 086-006;
Account: 390373370
Port Macquarie-Hastings – it’s time to get this TOXIC waste chemical out of our drinking water
After 30 years of resistance to toxic fluoridation chemicals being added to their drinking water, residents of Port Macquarie-Hastings will have the opportunity to vote on this controversial matter.
On 4 December 2021, on the same day as council elections, PMH Council will ask residents if they want council to stop adding hydrofluorosilicic acid to their drinking water.
FFA is presenting the ‘Yes’ case for this poll. Read our detailed pages supporting the ‘Yes’ case for this poll HERE.
The source of fluoride: find out what you’re really drinking!
Most Australians assume, or are led to believe, the chemicals used to fluoridate our drinking water are pharmaceutical grade or are of the same quality and purity of dental products. They are often surprised to find that these chemicals are in fact a highly-toxic industrial waste by-product from the processing of phosphate fertiliser.
Because Australian health authorities are concerned about the public’s perception of adding a toxic industrial waste product to our drinking water, they go to extraordinary lengths to hide the facts.
The hydrofluorosilicic acid used to fluoridate Port Macquarie-Hastings drinking water comes directly from the Incitec Pivot fertiliser factory in Geelong.
It’s time all PMH residents and all Australians learnt the truth about toxic industrial waste fluoridation chemicals. Read more HERE.