A collection of published, peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, popular articles and letters by Mark Diesendorf, BSc (hons) PhD.
Mark Diesendorf talks about fluoride and infants
Scholarly journal papers and book chapters
The mystery of declining tooth decay
Diesendorf M, 1986, ‘The mystery of declining tooth decay’, Nature, vol. 322, pp. 125 – 129
Suppression by medical journals of a warning about overdosing formula-fed infants with Fluoride
Diesendorf M; Diesendorf A, 1997, ‘Suppression by medical journals of a warning about overdosing formula-fed infants with Fluoride’, Accountability in Research, vol. 5, pp. 225 – 237.
Is there a scientific basis for fluoridation?
Diesendorf M, ‘Is there a scientific basis for fluoridation,’ Community Health Studies, Volume IV, Number 3, 1980.
Fuoridation and bones: Authors’ response to critics
Diesendorf M; Colquhoun J; Spittle B, 1998, ‘Fuoridation and bones: Authors’ response to critics’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, vol. 22, pp. 165 – 167
New evidence on fluoridation
Diesendorf M; Colquhoun J; Spittle BJ; Everingham DN; Clutterbuck FW, 1997, ‘New evidence on fluoridation’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, vol. 21, pp. 187 – 190,
Health hazards of fluoridation: a re-examination
Diesendorf MO, 1990, ‘Health hazards of fluoridation: a re-examination’, International Clinical Nutrition Review, vol. 10, pp. 304 – 321
Have the benefits of water fluoridation been overestimated?
Diesendorf MO, 1990, ‘Have the benefits of water fluoridation been overestimated?’, International Clinical Nutrition Review, vol. 10, pp. 292 – 303
Anglesey fluoridation trials re-examined
Diesendorf M, 1989, ‘Anglesey fluoridation trials re-examined’, Fluoride – Quarterly Reports, vol. 22, pp. 53 – 58
International fluoridation symposium in Brazil
Diesendorf M; Colquhoun J, 1989, ‘International fluoridation symposium in Brazil’, Fluoride – Quarterly Reports, vol. 22, pp. 1 – 4
Is fluoridation effective?
Diesendorf M, 1987, ‘Is fluoridation effective?’, Fluoride – Quarterly Reports, vol. 20, pp. 51 – 53
Fluoridation – politics and strategies
Diesendorf MO, 1986, ‘Fluoridation – politics and strategies’, Social Alternatives, vol. 5, pp. 48 – 53
Fluorides: new grounds for concern
Diesendorf MO, 1986, ‘Fluorides: new grounds for concern’, The Ecologist, vol. 16, pp. 237 – 242
A re-examination of Australian fluoridation trials
Diesendorf MO, 1986, ‘A re-examination of Australian fluoridation trials’, Search, vol. 17, pp. 256 – 262
Fluoride – New risks
Diesendorf, M, 1985, ‘Fluoride – New risks’, Search, vol. 16, pp. 129 – 129.
How science can illuminate ethical debates: a case study on water fluoridation
Diesendorf M, ‘How science can illuminate ethical debates: a case study on water fluoridation’, Fluoride Vol.28 No.2 87-104 1995
The ethics of water fluoridation
Diesendorf M, ‘The ethics of water fluoridation’, Fluoride Vol.28 No.2 57-60 1995
Fluoridation: breaking the silence barrier
Diesendorf M, ‘Fluoridation: breaking the silence barrier,’ Published in Brian Martin (editor), Confronting the Experts (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1996), pp. 45-75.
Proponents of water fluoridation suppressing scientific evidence and debate?
Diesendorf M, ‘Proponents of water fluoridation are suppressing scientific evidence and debate?’ An earlier version of this paper was published in Australasian Science vol. 24, no. 8, pp.35-37, September: “A kick in the teeth for scientific debate.”
Articles and letters
Letter to NHMRC: Exaggeration of the effectiveness of water fluoridation
A letter from Mark Diesendorf BSc PhD; John Colquhoun BDS PhD; and Philip R.N. Sutton DDSc (Melb) FRACDS, to the Chairman of NHMRC, dated 6 July 1989.
The Mystery of Declining Caries
Diesendorf M, 1989, ‘The Mystery of Declining Caries’, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, vol. 17, pp. 106 – 107.
Fluoridation of water
Diesendorf M, 1989, ‘Fluoridation of water [4]’, Chemical and Engineering News, vol. 67, pp. 2 – 3
Letters to the Editor
Colquhoun J; Diesendorf M; Burt BA; Beltran ED, 1989, ‘Letters to the Editor’, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, vol. 49, pp. 131 – 137; American Association of Public Health Dentistry.
Response to John Spencer’s obfuscation of the results of his own paper
Diensendorf MO, ‘Discussion: response to criticism’; Fluoride – Quarterly Reports; 39(4)326–330
October-December 2006