Media release: FFA calls for fluoridation to END

14 October 2019

Fluoride Free Australia calls for an END TO FLUORIDATION

In light of the 54 compelling studies clearly revealing that fluoride exposure during the early years of life can damage a child’s developing brain and is associated with reduced IQ in humans, Fluoride Free Australia (FFA) is calling on the Federal and State Ministers of Health and other government leaders to STOP sacrificing our children’s IQ and END fluoridation!

FFA’s detailed letter to 826 Federal and State politicians is available here.
Fluoride is a neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor!  Much safer, more cost effective methods are readily available for improving dental health. 


  • There is absolutely no need to expose a baby’s developing brain to a neurotoxin;
  • Applying the precautionary principle would ensure the foetus is never exposed to fluoride;
  • A bottle-fed baby consuming formula with fluoridated water receives up to 250 times more fluoride than a breast-fed baby; 
  • Pregnant mothers are warned about other neurotoxins such as alcohol, cigarettes, lead and mercury. It’s time they were warned about neurotoxic fluoride; 
  • Many studies also show that fluoride can damage the brain, kidneys, bones, thyroid gland, pituitary gland and even the teeth;
  • Fluoridation chemicals are a highly-toxic and contaminated waste by-product from the processing of phosphate fertilizer; 
  • There is no discernible difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries, cities and regions. 

“It’s actually very similar to the effect size that’s seen with childhood exposure to lead.” 
– David Bellinger, PhD, MSc, Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School (From his editorial in JAMA Paediatrics journal referring to the latest “Green” study.) 

FFA also alerted politicians to the consistently biased and misleading nature of NHMRC’s fluoridation review process and highlighted:

More than 400 studies, including more than 180 human studies, have been published since October 2014 (the cut-off date for NHMRC’s last fluoridation review published in 2017), demonstrating the toxicity of fluoridation chemicals. FFA has highlighted 34 of these human studies as being substantial – reinforcing the damage fluoride does to the brain, thyroid gland, kidneys, pineal gland, skeleton, and even our teeth.
Australian health officials can no longer continue to ignore these findings, while relying on very poor-quality, biased, antiquated fluoride studies that prop up a harmful and ineffective fluoridation program. 
“Fluoridation must end NOW!” says FFA.
For more details, please refer to our web site.