NHMRC’s Fluoride Reference Group

NHMRC appointed at least 10 known fluoridation advocates and lobbyists to its Fluoride Reference Group, who conducted the 2016 review “Health Effects of Water Fluoridation.” Following are examples of some of the known conflicts of interests of this highly-biased, pro-fluoride group between 2014 and 2017.


Dr Meenakshi Arora

Supporter of fluoridation, as cited in an interview by the Bundaberg News Mail December 2009:

“Dr Meenakshi Arora, University of Melbourne research fellow for chemical and biomolecular engineering and a supporter of fluoridation, told a press conference on the subject: “It definitely and significantly reduces the risk of dental caries. But we need to be careful not to overdose people, especially kids in the age range of two to seven years.”


Associate Professor Stephen Corbett

Associate Professor Corbett’s paper “Fluoride: Benefits Far Outweigh Risks” was published in the 1993 edition of NSW Health Public Health Bulletin:

Or the two specific pages:

Associate professor Corbett claimed that dental fluorosis in NSW in 1993 was only 3%, but he didn’t specify that this rate would only be the rate of Moderate fluorosis.

NOTE: Associate Professor Corbett was only listed as a FRG member AFTER the NHMRC 2014 Call for Evidence had closed.


Associate Professor Sharon Goldfeld

Chair of the P&CHD Paediatric Oral Health Working Group. (RACP Paediatric & Child Health Division (P&CHD);

“The RACP and the RACDS, through their Child Oral Health Statement, have called for oral health awareness in the training of all health professionals who work with children. Collaborative public health approaches have also been identified, including health care professional training and public water fluoridation for all communities with populations greater than 1,000 people. The RACP and RACDS intend to partner around many of these issues to effect more positive outcomes on the oral health of children and young people.” Source: Bite Magazine, 20 September 2012.

Member of Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA), joined in 2000. PHAA has for many years actively lobbied for fluoridation – particularly for Qld.

Professor Alison Jones

As part of NSW Health team, Professor Jones presented the Yes case for fluoridation at Byron Bay public information evening on 16 October 2013. Jones was also part of the NSW Health team earlier in 2013 giving briefing sessions promoting fluoridation to Lismore and Ballina Councils:

“But a medical specialist has described the mythology and fears around fluoridation of drinking water as ‘nonsense’. Wollongong University’s Dean of Medicine and Toxicology, Professor Alison Jones told the crowd that there was no evidence to support such claims.”
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013- 10-17/byron-fluoro-meeting/5028058


Dr Frederic Leusch

“Too little fluoride, less than 0.1 mg/L in drinking water, leads to poor dental health and high incidence of dental decay” plus other quotes in 27 May 2014 Sun Coast News.


Professor Mike Morgan

NHMRC Podcast 19 February 2009: And the downsides? “Extremely minimal,” Professor Mike Morgan, Colgate Chair of Population Oral Health at the Melbourne Dental School, tells interviewer Stuart Cameron.

Part of Clive Wright’s team which won NHMRC 10 of the Best Research Projects of 2008;
NHMRC article titled “Linking water fluoridation with good dental health.”

“Professor Morgan’s principal teaching responsibility is in population oral health, focusing on oral disease causation in relation to common risk factors and disease prevention at a population level – with an emphasis on community water fluoridation” “He has been a consultant to the Victorian Government in areas such as the Auditor General’s review into public dental services and the recent Victorian Government’s expansion of community water fluoridation in Victoria.”
http://www.oralhealthcrc.org.au/content/professor-mike- morgan-0


Dr Katherine O ‘Donoghue

President, Indigenous Dentists’ Association, an association with an aim to have all indigenous communities of more than 500 people fluoridated.

Employee, Queensland Health – Service Line Director of Oral Health, Oral Health Services, Queensland Health (Queensland Health actively promotes fluoridation)

Extract from; “Indigenous Dentists’ Association of Australia – Indigenous Oral Health Goals”

Goal 1: Community water fluoridation Target

All indigenous communities with a population of more than 1000 will have a fluoridated water supply by 2015.

All indigenous communities with a population of more than 500 will have a fluoridated water supply by 2020.

Professor Kaye Roberts-Thomson

Interim Dean and Head of School of Dentistry and Director, Dental Practice Education Research Unit, Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health, The University of Adelaide. Professor Roberts-Thompson has continuously promoted fluoridation for years.

Recipient of grant money from AIHW and NHMRC, Professor Roberts-Thompson has used emanating publications to promote fluoridation (child dental health surveys, national adult oral health survey).


Emeritus Professor A. John Spencer

Participated in two NSW Land and Environment court cases; 1) to help Rous Water, Lismore and Ballina Councils be able to fluoridate their jurisdictions (2011); and 2) to assist continued fluoridation by Eurobodalla Council (2013).

Former Director of Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health, The University of Adelaide, Emeritus Professor Spencer has continuously promoted fluoridation for years. Recipient of grant money from AIHW and NHMRC – has used emanating publications to promote fluoridation (child dental health surveys, national adult oral health survey). His 1996 study comparing fluoridated Townsville to non-fluoridated Brisbane children was used by Bligh Government in 2007 to mandate Qld fluoridation. More recently recipient of approximately $900, 000 from Qld Health to analyse data report on baseline of fluoridation in Queensland.


Professor (Frederick) Clive Wright

As NSW Chief Dental Officer he had participated in 2011 NSW Land and Environment court cases to help Rous Water, Lismore and Ballina Councils to fluoridate their jurisdictions.

Recipient of NHMRC grants which he has used to promote fluoridation. Chief Investigator of team, which won NHMRC 10 of the Best Research Projects of 2008 – NHMRC article titled “ Linking water fluoridation with good dental health” – this win despite the research not being completed due to the death of the lead researcher and only one article that was published in the Australian Dental Journal.