Author: Andrew
Update: US Federal Court case
This case continues against the EPA for its ongoing failure to protect the public from the neurologic risks of fluoridation chemicals added to public drinking water. Attorney Michael Connett provides an update.
Read moreIt’s time to protect kids’ developing brains from fluoride
In a recently published opinion article in Environmental Health News, three leading scientists warn of the neurotoxic damage of fluoride to our young.
Read moreFluoridation reduces IQ of bottle-fed babies
Australian health officials should be very concerned about this latest Canadian study showing lower IQ in babies fed with formula who live in fluoridated regions.
Read moreFluoride and increased risk of ADHD
This Canadian study found that children and teenagers in fluoridated regions are nearly THREE TIMES more likely to develop ADHD or display ADHA symptoms than those in non-fluoridated regions.
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